Fully Produced and Edited Documentary Film

Our award-winning team promises to deliver a video biography of the highest quality.

Production Equipment (Cameras, Lights, Microphones)

The GOAL team ensures that only state-of-the-art production equipment will be used in the making of your film.

Resources (music & stock footage)

Our team is committed to having the finest and most complete catalog of music, historical footage and photos to help enhance the production quality of your biography.

Digitizing of all Photos and Home Movies

The GOAL team ensures that all of your favorite photos and home movies will appear in your film and we’ll handle the labor and cost of transferring and digitizing of all of your memories.

Film Editing

Your documentary will be edited by experienced, award-winning editors on state-of-the-art equipment.

On Location Photography

Our producers will fly to any location in the U.S. for a one-day on-camera interview shoot. It’s all included in your GOAL package.

Script Writing

Award-winning television writers will listen to your story and formulate a network television caliber script that, along with your interviews, will bring your story to life on screen.

Script Research

GOAL producers will research global events that coincide with your story and include them in the film to better explain your life and times.

Materials & DVDs

Your documentary will be delivered on DVDs and various on-line links that can be played and shown on all devices.

Video Storage

The GOAL team ensures life-time digital storage. Your documentary will live on-line forever

Voice-over Narration

We ensure that your documentary will be narrated by a professional voice-over artist, ensuring the professional, network caliber look and sound of your custom biography.

Customized Pricing Elements

- Length of Film
- Travel
- Total number of on-camera Interviews